Fill Your Fukubukuro For Lunar New Year! JFC 20% OFF Lunar New Year Sale!
78 products
78 products
Leave Your Doors and Windows Open To Let The Bad Spirits Out and Welcome JFC's Lunar New Year (旧正月) Sale Into Your Life!
Fill your Fukubukuro (福袋) and celebrate the Lunar New Year like they do in Yokohama (横浜), Nagasaki (長崎) and Okinawa (沖縄) with plenty of mochi rice cakes (餅), gyoza (餃子), dumplings (団子), spring rolls (春巻), steamed fish (蒸し魚) and plenty of pork dishes (豚肉)!
Enjoy lucky foods like datemaki (伊達巻), ebi (蛯), kazunoko (数の子), kuromame (黒豆), and kohaku kamaboku (琥珀蒲鉾). Don't forget your mountain rice ball and wagashi (和菓子), representing the Wood Dragon this year.
このルナ・ニューイヤーに幸運が訪れますように!. Wishing you good luck this Chinese New Year!
Sale ends 14/02/2024. While Stocks Last.