Eho-ho-ho! Roll Into Fortune this Setsubun with JFC! 🍣🎉
31 products
31 products
Setsubun (節分) is Almost Here! 🍣🎉
Get ready to celebrate Risshun (立春), the beginning of Spring, with our JFC Setsubun Sale! 🎉 Stock up on 7 ingredient Fortune sushi ingredients, your favourite Kasugai (春日井) treats and enjoy a FREE Oni (鬼) Demon Mask with every Kasugai purchase! 👹
Prepare for the exciting ritual of Mamemaki (豆まき) by grabbing Kasugai goodies like Peach, Lychee, Kiwi, or Mango gummies. These will keep the little ones energised as they throw soybeans (or gummies!) to banish the Oni and invite good fortune into your home. 🌸
Don’t forget to eat Ehomaki (恵方巻)! 🍣 Enjoy your fortune sushi roll in one go, in this year’s lucky direction (South-South East) and make your wish for good luck.
鬼は外! 福は内! (Demons out, fortune in!) Have fun with your family as you embrace this beautiful Japanese tradition.
Sale ends 12/02/2025. While stocks last.
Did You Know?
Setsubun marks the seasonal “division” of winter and the start of spring on February 3rd, 2025. On this day, families across Japan celebrate by performing Mamemaki (豆撒き) or “bean scattering” to drive out demons and invite good fortune.
💡 Fun Setsubun Traditions:
Throw Fukumame (福豆), roasted soybeans, at an Oni (鬼)—usually a family member in disguise!
Shout “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” (Demons out! Fortune in!) while scattering beans.
Eat the same number of roasted soybeans as your age to ensure health and luck.
Visit temples or shrines for Setsubun events, where priests and even celebrities may throw beans, chocolates, or other goodies for children.
Ehomaki (恵方巻), the lucky sushi roll filled with 7 symbolic ingredients, is another highlight. Eat it silently in the lucky direction to seal your fortune for the year!